Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ahhh Summer...

Our days only get busier as the summer begins and all of our favorite things come together. Warm weather, beets, fireflies, and long days. We have our work cut out for us between the cabbage looper worms, weeds, and three markets but we are loving every minute of it. Yes, even the weeding! (Well, maybe we don't LOVE weeding but it's very satisfying.) We've been having a great time at the markets, Westminster is always fun since we know almost everyone. There is a great customer base and we really enjoy all the people. Crossroads has been great too - meeting other farmers and getting to know a new community has been really nice. Our stand has slowly been growing in quantity and diversity and some of our favorite veggies are starting to come in!
Tomatoes are one of our absolute favorites, we will have them soon - but not soon enough!Cabbage
Swiss Chard (still can't believe it grows right out of the ground with all those beautiful colors!)
Peas! Yum!
And we can't forget basil. Summer isn't summer without it. We are growing a bunch of different kinds (Thai, Aromato, Red Rubin, Lime, Genovese) and we LOVE to make pesto. And by "we" I mean Shawn. He makes great pesto with whatever ingredients we have available.
Most recently we had pesto made with basil, olive oil, garlic scapes, sunflower seeds, almonds, and salt. It was delicious!

With the purple and green basil mixed it's a nice dark sauce. It tastes extra good after a long day of weeding! Ahhh glad it's here. :)

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